JASP2 #13

Step Mom Confessions
Dear BM,

I’m writing this letter as I sit here waiting for our son to get out of school. Yes, you read that right, OUR son.

He has been in my life for 8 years, since the age of 1. I started out as his friend, earned the title of best friend, quickly became “his”, and now I’m stepmom.

After fighting for custody for 6 years, we have finally won. I know this must be hard for you, I wish you could see that I care more than you think I do. He just wasn’t safe with you anymore. Don’t you see what you’ve done? To him? To yourself? How can you choose to be so blind!? He is hurting. Two years it’s been, since he came to live with us full time. Two years of your lies and confusion. And he is still suffering. My heart breaks for him everyday. He misses you. He misses the mom he used to have.

I’ve taken the high road since day one. I don’t overstep my boundaries. I realize I am not his bio mom. I would never try to take your place. But as a mother myself, I can’t understand the choices you’ve made in the past and continue to make in the future. I am not supportive of you. Our son is where he should be, safe and comfortable in our home.

I envy the step moms who have a relationship with the bio mom. I used to wish so badly that it could be us. But you’ve let your true colors shine. Selfish, immature, entitled, always the victim; these are a handful of words that describe you. In my opinion, you have lost the title of Mom.

You lost it the day you chose drugs over our son.

But I will keep him safe. I will make sure your mistakes don’t shape him to be anything less than he is. He’s perfect.

Thank you for giving me the gift of this perfect child.

Our sons best friend